MASTER the Art of Negotiation

MASTER the Art of Negotiation
Who doesn't want to get more out of life? We negotiate nearly every single day, from bargaining with family members to interviewing for a new job. Yet far too many people go through life being taken advantage of, not getting the raise or promotion, paying more and getting less. In this 144 page eBook (also available in paperback on, you'll learn how to cultivate the qualities of a skilled negotiator, as well as the strategies and tactics they use to get more WINs at the bargaining table. Learn how to get more, without paying more in the process as you hone your skills to become a MASTER Negotiator.
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MASTER the Art of Negotiation
Take your training as a MASTER Negotiator to an entirely deeper level in this online course. More than 4 hours of audio and video training, coupled with two additional eBooks, where you're learn advanced strategies and tactics used by skilled negotiators, as well as specialized training to improve your personal and professional negotiation skills. Learn how to better negotiate with your spouse and children, your current or a future employer, your coworkers, and how to get a better deal from vendors and sales professionals you buy from.
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